Month: December 2014

No is a Complete Sentence

Typically I am not a fan of the “New Year’s Resolution” (NYR) having, over the past three decades, tried to make (and keep) a dizzying array of them with very little success.

A friend posted a link to this article by Sydney McBride on her Facebook wall and when I read it, thought, “Surely I could try to accomplish one or two of these in 2015.” After all there are 365 days…

Fifteen, given my NYR track record, is far too many, but as I read the article three (4,5, & 8) seemed to form a theme that resonated with me: “Get off your butt (stop waiting and doubting) and get out of your own way.” This is something I’ve long wanted to to do. I have dreams, ideas, and plans. Perhaps 2015 could be the year that I move one (or more) of those things forward. I want to try.

The last one from the article that really resonated with me was number 12, “Stop saying yes all the time” and it’s the inspiration for the title of this post. Sometimes the simplest things are the hardest to remember. I want to let my “no” stand alone, without some explanation that (in all honestly) is born out of my guilt at having said no in the first place. Typically, I end up saying yes by the time my explanation is over. This needs to stop. I need to let my no stand alone, without some guilt-driven excuse hanging all over it.

“Just like the lens of a camera, you have the power to adjust your vision. And, even on the darkness days, where you can’t see anything, just keep moving forward. It’s the only constant and forever the direction in which we all must go.” -Sydney McBride

So, I’m adjusting my vision. I’m ready to step out and pursue a dream and to say no sometimes. I don’t know how successful I will be but I am looking forward to the journey.

Art-Venture Adventure (part 1)

During the past 18 months Prima Marketing appeared on my radar as a “new” company. No, they aren’t new, at least not T H A T new but I hadn’t really noticed them before. Perhaps it is because I’m not a “scrapbooker” (I’ve never made an album or a page layout), or maybe it’s because I focused for so long on Tim Holtz, who is an amazing source of creative inspiration to many of us.

Whatever the reason, the first Prima product I remember buying was a stencil. A retired stencil at that. Retirement = a chance to dust off your Internet searching skills. I’d used it in a class and fell in love with it. I searched and searched online and finally found it on eBay.

Prima has orchestrated a huge marketing campaign over the course of 2014, rolling out new and expanding existing programs. One new program is the Prima Brand Ambassador group, of which I am a member another is the Art-Venture 2-day art event. The first Art-Venture was held last January in Anaheim and the class pictures coming out of the event were stunning.

As a treat to myself I decided, mostly on a whim, to sign up for the 2nd event on January 5 – 8 in Anaheim, CA. I’d considered trying to combine attendance at my bucket list event, CHA, which begins on January 10th but, alas, work calls me home. CHA will have to wait for another year.

There are six workshops during the two-day event taught by an exciting array of international educators:

Below is a snapshot of the six projects I will get to create while I’m at Art-Venture in Anaheim. I can’t believe I fly in 5 short days! I will of course blog about my experiences at this amazing event when I return – so stay tuned!


Tales of a Prima Brand Ambassador

When I decided to become a Prima Brand Ambassador I wasn’t sure exactly what to expect. I was thrilled at the opportunity to teach as well as being “paid” for my work in Prima product.

Each month I visit the local Hobby Lobby stores in my territory and demo/help customers to create a simple craft project that features the Prima products the store carries. The project changes every 5 to 6 weeks and Prima sends me most of the necessary supplies.

This is my second month working with the Federal Way and Seattle Hobby Lobby managers and employees to educate their customers about Prima products and all you can create using them. During the first month we made purse/backpack fobs and this month we made ornaments and gift tags since it’s Christmastime.

People have enjoyed the events and I’ve had a chance to teach some wonderful people, sharing my love of crafting with them. A true blessing. I have had so much fun each time I’ve gone to teach and the employees and managers are so kind and welcoming! I am grateful to have two great stores in my territory.

I also demo at my favorite LSS (local scrapbook store), Urban Scrapbooker. My first demo there is, coincidentally, my last of 2014 this coming Saturday, 12/20. If you read this blog and live in metro Seattle, I would love for you to come by and make a tag. I will be there from 11:30a – 2:30p.

Here are a few photos of the make-and-takes/demos I’ve done – I hope you enjoy them. Check back here in 2015 for my continuing adventures as a Prima Brand Ambassador.

The Blessings of SAMBICA

A lot of my life is consumed (in a good way) with my job. I’m blessed … I work at a summer camp. I get paid to wrap vans, design banners, and buy candy and treats for Sam’s Place, the camp store. That is not to say that there aren’t challenges. SAMBICA is 95 years old and with all that history comes “character”. Most of the buildings on campus possess this “character” which is a polite way of saying oddly built and in need of repair.

On the whole, it’s wonderful though. A place where the laughter of children is the noise I hear. Where singing silly camp songs is normal and the noise level at lunch rivals that of a sports stadium. This past summer was no exception. I’ve been here for 5 years and in that time I’ve seen over 10,000 kids come and go. It’s been a time of change and of renewal. Through it all, one thing is steady … loving kids.

New this year are quarterly events for elementary, middle, and high school campers. We’ve been having a blast with middle school bashes, kids night out, refuge, and break camps. It is wonderful to see the kids running around camp singing and laughing in the middle of winter. Christmas Carnival kicks off in a few days and over the four days it’s open, we will see hundreds of families visit Santa at SAMBICA. There is loads going on around camp and of course there are only 200 days until the first day of summer camp! It’s a wonderful time to be at SAMBICA.

As I move into my 6th year and closer to our centennial anniversary I find myself excited for what is coming. It’s a wonderful journey, one I get to take with wonderful coworkers and friends. As I said, I am blessed.