I know, I know. I promise to be a better blogger and then a month or two will go by without a word from me. I have the very best of intentions, especially as I write a post or add something to the site but then life creeps in, okay sometimes it blows in like a tornado. As I sit in my studio, typing on my laptop with the sound of the Seahawks vs Bears game in the background I find that I love many things: kittens, best friends, making art, meeting with friends, playing Mafia Wars on Facebook…the list goes on and on.
Do I “love” blogging? I think the simple answer is no. I’m not used to anyone (besides by best friend, Dabby) much caring about the thoughts that roll around in my head. Perhaps if I were younger I would feel differently, but each time I post I find myself asking the following questions. 1) “Did you offend anyone with this post?” and 2) “Who is going to care about what you’ve written?” I think this is why I haven’t publicized my blog. That isn’t to say it’s stopped me from blogging. I just don’t do it on a regular basis. Enough about my blogging angst let’s talk about something fun: Art & Soul!
I am SO excited to be teaching at Art & Soul Retreat. No only do I get to teach with my dear friend Stephanie I get to reconnect with friends from across the country. If you’re attending Art & Soul, please make a point to stop by our table at vendor night and say “hi”! I can’t wait to reconnect with old friends and make some great new ones as well! There are still classes available. If you live in the Pacific NW, I encourage you to check it out! Until next time (and we both know there’s no telling how long that will be) have fun and laugh often!