Month: February 2009

Kitten update: my they grow up so fast!

Rainey plays with her younger sister, Emma.
Rainey plays with her younger sister, Emma.

The last pictures posted of Rainey and Emma are from around Christmastime. My oh my, how fast they grow up. Both Rainey and Emma are getting longer and filling out nicely. They are both going through personality changes though Rainey is still a cougar and Emma a cuddlebug.

Dabby told me today that Emma can now jump from the floor to the top of Kerri’s desk – a feat she enjoyed performing last evening while Dabby was trying to get to sleep! Both kittens seem to have settled into the household and both enjoy being carried around the house like princesses – what will we do when they are full grown…

Paper or plastic: Emma's choice is obvious!
Paper or plastic: Emma's choice is obvious!

Art & Soul 2009 | Teaching Update

At long last, the classes for the Portland retreat were posted at Art & Soul Retreat on Sunday. There are wonderfRock & Rollul classes available representing many different mediums and skill levels. Instructors include: Louise Duhamel, Stephanie Lee, Michael deMeng, Richard Salley, Jane Wynn, Helga Strauss, Lisa Kaus, and Dj Pettitt.

Our class, Little Shop of Memories, is a both a technique and methodology class. Students will learn techniques (wood preparation, painting, adhesive, and crackle techniques) and overall project methodology (at least the unique way we approach design). To view additional sample photos, please visit the Little Shop of Memories gallery.

Class sign-up begins on March 15th.

It’s been awhile….

So, life’s been going on, but I’ve been slacking on my blogging duties. It’s not 2nd nature to me, getting on the Internet and writing about me and the goings-on in my life. This is partly because I’m a private person and partly because I haven’t made blogging a habit. I’m going to try to correct the latter, there is no hope of changing the former.

The view from the beach-access park near the house.
The view from the beach-access park near the house.

I kitty-sat for my good friends (sisters) Gigi and Claire over New Year’s. They rent a very lovely home on Bainbridge Island (a 35-minute ferry ride West of Seattle). It was fun being over there, as I said the home is lovely and it’s nice and quite. I cared for their two princes, Enzo and Sandy. Both cute Persians who are spoiled rotten by their mama Gigi. Sandy eats his food (actual baby food in the evening) from a spoon! Yes, I fed a kitty from a tablespoon.

Enzo is a lovebug who loves to snuggle up next to your head at night. Several nights I would wake up with his cheek pressed up next to mine. What woke me? Enzo snores, which I can’t complain about since I snore too!

Here are a few pictures from this visit…

Ferry coming over from Seattle
Ferry coming over from Seattle.
Enzo rests up in the den one evening...
Enzo rests up in the den one evening...