Month: December 2008

Another new niece…Emma

That old saying, if one kitten is fun surely two is even better, brings another bundle of joy into our lives. My best friend, Dabby is such a considerate mother and as Rainey got settled it became clear that she needed a playmate. While Gizmo (aka the vile one) is another cat, she is in no humor to put up with kitten shenanigans.

Emma's first official photo!
Emma's first official photo!

Rainey needed someone closer to her own age…enter Emma. Dabby and I made a visit to the King County Humane Society in Bellevue on December 12th. Dabby had seen a kitten, Poo Bear who was an adorable 3 month old bundle. Of course he was gone, adopted by some other loving family. While several kittens did their best to convince Dabby that they should go home with her, she wasn’t drawn to any of them.

Girls just wanna have fun!
Girls just wanna have fun!

All seemed lost (the KCHS told us that they would likely not have any more kittens for several months)…enter a vet in West Seattle.

Dabby went to check this place out on Saturday (the only day they performed adoptions) and got chosen. Emma latched onto Dabby body and spirit. She’s wormed her way into all of our hearts, including her big sister, Rainey. Here are a few pictures of the little cuddle bug…

Winter comes to Seattle…

A view off Dabby's porch to the winter wonderland...
Winter wonderland...

It does not often snow in the metro Seattle area. Sure Mts Baker and Rainier are snow covered in July, but that’s a fact of elevation, not of the typical weather in Seattle. As you might imagine, a geographic region with little annual snowfall will nearly always choose to invest in equipment other than snow plows and road sanders. That’s not to say the metro area doesn’t have these things, just not in large quantities.

So, when it does snow two things happen. One, it takes the WSDOT a bit of time to mobilize and two, people who don’t usually drive in snow and ice are suddenly thrust into the deep end (so to speak).

A view of the distant Cascade mountains and a tower crane.
A view of the distant Cascade mountains and a tower crane.

Having grown up in the Midwest where snow and ice are just part of the daily routine, I know enough to stay off the roads. No heroic, white-knuckled attempts to make it to work and no raiding the grocery store for all the canned milk and bottled water my car can hold.

Case in point, Wednesday evening. We all went to bed in a dry, sane world and awoke to a “blizzard”. I say blizzard lightly because the worst hit neighborhood (mine) received 6″. I know anyone from Michigan or upstate New York is laughing themselves onto the floor right now, but remember, other than skiing, Seattleites don’t know snow.

Another view out Dabby's window....
Another view out Dabby's window....

What I realized is that I miss snow. Not enough to move home or to Michigan or upstate NY, but enough to admit that visually it makes things lovely – trees, yards, porches, roads (at least until they plow). Coming just before Christmas, is very Rockwellean.

So, for your viewing pleasure, I submit a few photos off my best friend’s back porch, which has a lovely view of downtown Redmond and the Cascades.

Art & Soul 2009 | Instructors Announced

2009 Art & Soul Theme
2009 Art & Soul Theme

Cottage Craft Productions announced the instructors for Art & Soul in Portland. I am thrilled that my good friend, Stephanie Rojas, and I will be teaching at this event again (for the first time since 2005). We are thrilled to be a part of Art & Soul along with a stellar lineup of nationally recognized instructors that includes: Stephanie Lee, Michael deMeng, Daniel Essig, Helga Strauss, and Louise Duhamel just to name a few.

Additional details of our class, Little Shop of Memories, will be forthcoming soon.

Art & Soul began in 2003 with one retreat held in Portland, OR. Today retreats are held annually in Portland, Hampton, VA, Asilomar, CA, and other destinations. To learn more about Art & Soul, visit